Tutankhamun pulling crowds in the UK

Tutankhamun pulling crowds in the UK

Bexley Times

More than half a million tickets have been sold for Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibition.

It opened at The O2 in Greenwich on November 15. In just over a month 505,000 tickets were sold. Organisers expect about 1.3 million visitors to have seen the exhibition when it leaves London in August.

The exhibition has been visited by 10,000 schoolchildren, about half of them from the London area. A further 50,000 school group tickets have been sold or reserved.

Arts and Exhibitions International president John Norman said: "The significant upsurge in bookings since the exhibition opened just over a month ago has exceeded our expectations.

"This first month marks our most successful opening to date. We expect to attract over 1.3 million visitors, making London the most popular stop in the history of the tour, which has visited four US cities over the past two years."

See the above page for the full story.

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