TV: Riddles of the Sphinx

TV: Riddles of the Sphinx


Video prologue of the NOVA show (1.58 minutes) and an interactive feature which lets you look at Giza and the Sphinx in panoramic view. The latter crashed Firefox the first time, but worked when I retried it.

- Explore Ancient Egypt Online
NOVA  (Liesl Clark and Peter Tyson) Want to walk around the Sphinx? Clamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and seek out the pharaoh's burial chamber? Visit the magnificent tombs and temples of ancient Thebes? In this multi-layered,...

- An Alternative View On The Sphinx
The Daily Grail (Rober Schoch) With 20 comments in response, at the time of posting. I first met the Great Sphinx face-to-face on 17 June 1990. She (yes, I consider the Great Sphinx a female) has influenced and in many ways defined my life ever since....

- Urbanization Threatens Pyramids (Brian Norman) There have been several features about this subject over the years, but it never hurts to be reminded. The Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza are the most recognized objects in Egypt and attract millions of tourists each...

- Wall Around The Sphinx
Egyptian archaeologists have found the remains of a mud brick wall built to protect the Sphinx on the Giza plataeu. The 132 meter long wall has been dated to the restoration of the sphinx under the authority of Thutmosis IV....

- Under The Sphinx
This video is on drilling beneath the sphinx to check the groundwater situation to make sure the monument is safe from deterioration.

