TV: Egypt's Mystery Chamber - KV63

TV: Egypt's Mystery Chamber - KV63


Since 2006 the world famous discovery of tomb KV63 in Egypt's Valley of the Kings has been shut to the outside world, the meaning of its remaining unopened relics, blemished inscriptions and delicate artifacts left shrouded in uncertainty. Now, for the first time since the tomb's unearthing, Science Channel exclusively returns viewers to the depths below Egypt's desert as a team of archeologists uncovers the true purpose for KV63, and reveals, for the first time, that the tomb's contents hold several new, important clues about the mummification of Egyptian pharaohs. EGYPT'S MYSTERY CHAMBER world premieres on Sunday, April 26 at 9 PM (ET/PT).

Widely considered to be the most important find in the Valley of the Kings since Howard Carter uncovered King Tutankhamun's tomb (KV62) in 1922, archeologist Dr. Otto Schaden found KV63 less than 50 feet from the tomb of the boy king.

After suffering from several health setbacks over the past three years, Dr. Schaden returned with a team of experts in February 2009 to finish exploring 16 jars that remained sealed. What they uncovered are items that add significant information to what is already known about the process of mummification. The archeologists found several unusual objects including an intricate wooden funerary bed, mud trays with imprints of its creator still embedded in the mud, and a fully intact, large cotton swab tool used in embalming, the first of its kind ever found.

"Our recent KV63 discoveries allow us to really piece together how pharaohs were embalmed and could therefore rewrite this aspect of Egyptian history," said Dr. Salima Ikram, Professor of Egyptology at The American University in Cairo and member of the archeology team excavating KV63.

See the above page for the full story.

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