TV show review: Chasing Mummies

TV show review: Chasing Mummies

Heritage Key (Jon Himoff)

The heart sinks at the very title.

Zahi Hawass has a new television show coming out on History Channel tomorrow, called "Chasing Mummies". We had a look at the trailer and it seems like they are going for a highly pop-culture adventure-like, make-the-big-finds angle to attract the thrill-seekers. You had Ice Road Truckers, now get ready for Sand Dead Diggers starring the High Plains Sifter?

It all has to be good for making archeology more exciting and discovering history more fun. But at the same time, you have to wonder if the History Channel, on the heels of Discovery Channel's King Tut Unwrapped, is mixing up the medium too much and overshadowing the message. Or in other words, as you can see in the action-figure type trailer below -- are they taking the piss in the pyramids?

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