Two million year old footprint found?

Two million year old footprint found?

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I've not read this report anywhere else, but it seems authentic enough. I assume that the provisional date has been put forward on the basis of the geological context.
A delegation from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has found what could be the oldest human footprint in history, Zahi Hawas, the Secretary-General for the organization said in a press conference Thursday. The footprint was found in Siwa, an oasis in the western Egyptian desert.

"The print could be two million years old and we are running tests on it, if our expectations are correct, it will be the oldest antiquity on earth," Hawas told reporters. "The footprint was imprinted on a clay-sand dried surface," he added.

The Council has established a new department for pre-historical antiquities recently to study and search for new discoveries from these eras.

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