Two new sarchophagi

Two new sarchophagi (
"Two ancient Egyptian sarcophagi dating back 3 000 years were discovered by highway workers south of Cairo, it was reported in Egypt on Monday.According to the Al-Ahram daily, workers along the southern Tora-Kotsika highway uncovered part of an ancient tomb while investigating a vehicle malfunction.The historic finds, including the two sarcophagi, are still being examined and analysed by specialists from the Supreme Council of Antiquities."

Also reported on the Egypt State Information Service, with a rather blurred photo:

- More Re Ongoing Discoveries At Cairo Museum
Egypt State Information Service Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni said a new trove has been found at the western area of the Egyptian Museum. The new find was discovered while workers were carrying out renovation works. Three days prior, the workers discovered...

- 5,000-year-old Cemetery Found In S Egypt
Xinhuanet An Egyptian archeological mission has unearthed a 5,000-year-old royal burial ground in southern Egypt, the official MENA news agency reported on Saturday. The cemetery was discovered in Umm el-Ga'ab area, south of the historical city...

- First Bowling Hall In Ancient Egypt ( The Italian antiquities mission working in Kom Madi area in Fayoum governorate, south of Cairo, discovered a bowling-like hall dating back to the Ptolemaic age. The hall was discovered during excavations at a building...

- Scarcophagi Found Near Giza Pyramids "The head of Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities says Egyptian archaeologists have found two ancient sarcophagi close to the pyramids. Council chief Zahi Hawass says the sarcophagi are about...

- Queen's Mummy Arrives In Cairo (Egypt State Information Service) This somewhat confusing and very brief item is featured today on the Egypt State Information Service: "The mummy of Queen Hatshepsut arrived at Cairo Airport yesterday. The mummy, which was brought...

