UCLA Encyclopaedia of Egyptology

UCLA Encyclopaedia of Egyptology


Thanks to David Petersen for pointing out that the UCLA Encyclopaedia of Egyptology (open version) has been updated with several articles.

Articles added in 2009, available from the above page, include:

David Wengrow (May 5, 2009) Predynastic Art
Marcelo Campagno (March 30, 2009) Kinship and Family Relations
André J. Veldmeijer (March 24, 2009) Cordage Production
Paul Nicholson (March 5, 2009) Faience Technology
Ben Haring (February 4, 2009) Economy
Filip Coppens (January 29, 2009) Temple Festivals of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods

The articles added in 2008 are also listed on the above page.

- Embalming Bed Photograph
KV-63 Photos 2009 The Photos 2009 page on the KV-63 website has been udpated with a large photograph of the reconstructed embalming bed, which enables viewers to see some of the finer details. Other photos from the 2009 season are also featured on the...

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies Volume 68, Number 1
Thanks Kat The Journal of Near Eastern Studies Volume 68, Number 1 (January 2009) is now available at http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/jnes/68/1 1 relevant article: On the Identification of the Ships of kzd/ry in the Erased Customs Account from Elephantine...

- Tutankhamun To Visit San Francisco
Suite101 (Stan Parchin) Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs, presently at the Dallas Museum of Art (October 3, 2008-May 17, 2009) will make its next United States stop at the M.H. de Young Museum in San Francisco, California (June 27, 2009-March...

- Ucla Encyclopedia Of Egyptology
The first five articles have been published in the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology (open version). The UEE, published by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at UCLA, is a world-wide cooperation of Egyptologists, archaeologists, linguists,...

- Work Begins On Ucla Encyclopedia Of Egyptology
http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=42386 Following in the footsteps of the Lexikon der Ägyptologie, an encyclopedia which was published over a period of 30 years, the last edition of which was published in 1992, UCLA is planning a...

