Underwater archaeology exhibition update

Underwater archaeology exhibition update

Al Ahram Weekly has a feature by Nevine El-Aref about the underwater archaeology exhibition, which will open shortly in Berlin:
"The exhibition is divided thematically. Among the objects on show are three giant pink granite colossi featuring the Nile god Hapi, the statue of a Ptolemaic king and unidentified Egyptian queen dressed as Isis, a customs stelae from Heracleion with inscriptions in hieroglyphs and Greek, a black granite sphinx representing Ptolemy XII, father of the more famous Cleopatra, a head of Serapis and the Naos of the Decades, a black granite shrine covered with figures and hieroglyphic texts relating to the ancient calendar.
Pots and pans, knives, forks, bottles and plates are exhibited alongside navigational instruments, cannons, swords and guns from Napoleon's fleet, sunk by Nelson during the naval Battle of Abu Qir in 1798. Golden rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets are also displayed."
See the above URL for the full story.

In addition, many thanks to Alain Guilleux for the following links:
the website of the Berlin exhibition can be found at:

And the website of Franck Goddio can be found at

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