UNESCO 60th Birthday

UNESCO 60th Birthday

"UNESCO, the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organisation, marked its 60th anniversary last week (on Wednesday 16 November) with a call for world peace and the respect of human diversity. The constitution of the UNESCO was prepared by a conference convened in London in 1945 and UNESCO came into being on 4 November 1946. UNESCO’s primary aim is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication to make war unthinkable. Today there are 191 members and six observer status nations . . . . Meanwhile, a two-day symposium of some 60 historians, anthropologists and philosophers, gathered in the French capital to reflect on the UN body’s mission and its goals for the next five years. Born from an agreement signed by 37 countries in London, exactly 60 years ago, the UN’s cultural organisation is probably best known around the globe for its list of over 800 protected World Heritage Sites. They notably include the Abu Simbel temple complex near Aswan on the upper Nile, for which UNESCO mounted a spectacular rescue operation in the 1960s and 70s, after Egypt decided to build a dam that would have put the 3,300 year-old masterpieces under water".
See The Rising Nepal website for the full story.

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