UNESCO delegation reassured after first day in Egypt

UNESCO delegation reassured after first day in Egypt

Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref)

Yesterday, a UNESCO delegation led by Christian Manhart, chief of the Museums and Cultural Objects Section within UNESCO, embarked on a three-day tour of archaeological sites subject to looting during and since Egypt’s 25 January Revolution. The tour includes the Egyptian Museum as well as the Memphis necropolis, and covers the Giza plateau, Saqqara, Abusir and Dahshur archaeological sites.

The first place on the delegation's visit list was the Egyptian Museum. Following three hours of touring the museum’s exhibition halls and labs, the delegation's members expressed their satisfaction with what they saw.

“The status of the Egyptian Museum in totally different from what has been said in the media,“ director Tarek El-Awadi told Ahram Online Manhart had said while admiring the museum.

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