University of Basel King's Valley Project - Perliminary Report 2012

University of Basel King's Valley Project - Perliminary Report 2012

University of Basel  (Susanne Bickel, Elina Paulin-Grothe)

A very useful report on the work being carried out by the University of Basel in the Valley of the Kings (including KV64). With photos, including a lovely coloured fragment of 18th Dynasty glass from KV64, the tomb whose discovery was announced in January..

Preliminary Report on the Work Carried out During the Season 2012

In the undecorated tombs KV 26, KV 29, KV 30, KV 31, KV 32, KV 33, KV 37, KV 40, KV 59, KV 61, and KV 64 in the Valley of the Kings

This year’s season of the University of Basel in the Valley of the Kings started on January 07th, 2012 and lasted until April 15th, 2012. . . . .

KV 64

The principal event this season was the discovery of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

During the season of 2011, three edges of an unknown man-made feature were revealed at 1.80m north of KV 40, on the 25th of January, the first day of the Egyptian revolution. Due to the situation, work was stopped and the feature was covered with an iron door (Fig. 1).

As this structure is so close to KV 40 and since it was impossible to know whether it was merely an unfinished shaft or a real tomb, we gave it the temporary number 40b. As soon as it became apparent during this year’s work that the structure was actually a tomb, the Egyptian authorities decided to give it the final designation KV 64. The discovery was officially announced on January 15th.

- Interview With Steven Cross Re Kv64 And Research In The Valley Of The Kings
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Last week as news was breaking about the new tomb—KV64—Em Hotep received word from Stephen Cross, an Egyptologist and Geologist specializing in the Valley of the Kings, that he had photographed the tomb while conducting his...

- University Of Basel Statement, In English
University of Basel Thanks to Val's comment on Egyptological for this link. Further to my previous post, the University of Basel have also posted an announcement in English, which repeats the details offered in the German version, but with a different...

- More Re Nehmes Bastet
BBC News Nothing much new here, apart from the confirmation that an intact mummy was found within the coffin as predicted. A useful round-up. Archaeologists working in Egypt have discovered the tomb of a female singer in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb...

- More Re The New Tomb: A Summary Of The Known Facts To Date
Egyptological (Kate Phizackerley) Kate Phizackerley has posted a summary of the known facts to date, within the context of existing knowledge about excavations in the Valley of the Kings The tomb was announced in Luxor by Mansour Boraik in Luxor and Mohamed...

- The Chantress Of Amun
This is a very interesting post that Andie Byrnes has created which includes a report in English on the newly discovered tomb in the Valley of Kings from the University of Basel....

