Upcoming book: Birds in Ancient Egypt

Upcoming book: Birds in Ancient Egypt

Birds in Ancient Egypt: An Identification Guide by John Wyatt and Jackie Garner will be released in August 2012 (lots of advance warning!).

Lavishly illustrated with over 300 colour images depicting bird images from the tombs, temples and artefacts of Egypt together with the birds themselves. This innovative book looks in detail at the evidence for the probable existence of some 200 species in Ancient Egypt between c.4000BCE and c.250BCE, including bone and mummy records. New identification techniques were tested and exciting discoveries made.

To be put on the mailing list for further information and to receive details of the special pre-publication offer please email:
artist [at] jackiergarner. co. uk

- An Update From John Wyatt
Thanks very much to John Wyatt for both cheering me up and giving me all sorts of information today when we chatted by phone. Long term visitors may remember that when the Bloomsbury Summer School was running a few months ago I did some lecture summaries,...

- Daily Photo: Birds At Aswan
I'm still in my Aswan 2007 folder, so here are some photographs of birds seen at Aswan in March 2007. Egret Pied Kingfisher Osprey Little Green Bee Eater I've looked these up in Patrick Houlihan's excllent The Birds of Ancient Egypt (1986)....

- Revered Ibis Surviving (just) In Syria
http://www.enn.com/today.html?id=10927"Scientists have tagged three northern bald ibis, among the last survivors of a species of Middle Eastern bird once so revered that it had its own ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, in an effort to save them from extinction....

- The Stockholm Challenge
http://www.stockholmchallenge.se/An Egypt heritage project has been chosen as a finalist in the Stockholm Challenge. The first is the digitization of the Napoleonic Description De l’Egypte, carried out by the : http://www.stockholmchallenge.se/projectdata.asp?id=1&projectid=1199...

- Valley Of The Kings: The Tombs And The Funerary Temples Of Thebes West
Kent Weeks VMB Publishers Italy 2008 ISBN: 978-88-540-0976-9 This book edited by Kent R. Weeks and with photographs by Araldo De Luca has 14 contributors who represent a who's who of Egyptology so much is expected from it. Right off the start the...

