Upcoming exhibitions

Upcoming exhibitions

Suite 101 (Stan Parchin)

Stan Parchin has been writing on Suite 101 again, this time with an update on key exhibitions that are upcoming in 2007 and 2008, world-wide.

Fueled by archaeological discoveries and recent advancements in science, ancient Egypt's lure is still unabated. The large number of exhibitions around the world that are dedicated to this glorious Near Eastern civilization is a testament to its enduring and long-standing popularity.
The listing is accompanied by five lovely photographs.

- Journal: Artmuseumjournal.com
ArtMuseumJournal.com Many thanks to Stan Parchin for forwarding details of his exciting new project: ArtMuseumJournal.com launched on July 25, 2009 and provides an online resource about museums, exhibitions, publications for art history professionals,...

- Egyptian Art Exhibitions 2009
Suite101 (Stan Parchin) Stan is continuing to publish some excellent things on the Suite101 website. This time he does a review of 11 museum exhibitions coming up in 2009. See the above page for details of each of the exhibitions. The art and archaeology...

- Exhibition: De Montebello Exhibit At The Met
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) Thanks to Stan for letting me know that in the above exhibition, for which details are provided on the above page, the Egyptian collection will be well represented: The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York will present The...

- Exhibition: Extended Dates For Amarna, Ancient Egypt's Place In The Sun
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) Thanks very much to Stan Parchin for emailing the hyperlink to the above page, where he has posted news that the Amarna exhibition at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology is to become a long...

- More Re Brooklyn Mummies Examined For Exhibition
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) Thanks to Robert Espino for pointing out this article on Suite 101. From Summer 2008 through Fall 2011, New York's Brooklyn Museum will circulate to more than 10 American venues To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the...

