Update: Pyramid Texts Online

Update: Pyramid Texts Online

Talking Pyramids

The Pyramid Texts Online website has had a major update with the addition of the Library, a reading room where you can sit down and relax with an old classic flicking through the pages on-screen thanks to the Internet Archive’s Flip Book. Due to the antique age of most of these books it is best to use something more current for study purposes but these old books are an enjoyable look back at the past thoughts and reasoning of earlier writers.

See the above page for more details and click on the image to link to the Pyramid Texts Online site.

- New Version Of The Hieroglyph Dictionary By Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online Thanks to Mark Vygus for letting me know that the newest version of  his hieroglyph dictionary is now available on the above page, with another 120 pages since the last update providing a total of 40,000 entries. The Dictionary...

- Latest Hieroglyph Dictionary Released By Mark Vygus
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- The New Dictionary From Mark Vygus
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- Open Access Oxyrhynchus
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- Weekly Websites
Egyptian Texts Online Egyptian Texts Introductory Page - with Java Applet Egyptian Texts in PDF Format Thanks very much to Gilbert on the GlyphStudy group for sharing this resource with the rest of us (on the website of the University of St Andrews)....

