Update on the New Seven Wonders

Update on the New Seven Wonders

"Nominations were whittled down by public votes to 77 last year. Then a panel of architectural experts, chaired by former Unesco chief Federico Mayor, shortened the list to 21. Interest has grown as Weber and his 10-member teams visit the 21 sites. Their final visit will be March 6 to New York's Statue of Liberty.
In addition to the Statue of Liberty, Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal and Machu Picchu, the finalists are the Acropolis; Turkey's Haghia Sophia; the Kremlin and St.Basil's Cathedral; the Colosseum; Germany's Neuschwanstein Castle; Stonehenge; Spain's Alhambra; the Great Wall; Japan's Kiyomizu Temple; the Sydney Opera House; Cambodia's Angkor; Timbuktu; Petra, Jordan; Brazil's Statue of Christ Redeemer; Easter Island; and Chichen Itza, Mexico."
For the full story, including details of how to vote, see the above page. The New Seven Wonders website is at:

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- Update On The New7wonders
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