Updated excavation websites

Updated excavation websites

The following is a list of websites which have been updated this season with news about ongoing excavations:

Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis
http://www.learn.columbia.edu/amheida/ http://www.learn.columbia.edu/amheida/html/home.html

Deir el-Banat, Faiyum DepressionLast updated 2006
Russian version: http://www.cesras.ru/arch/db/index.htm
English version: http://www.cesras.ru/eng/arch/db/index.htm

Djehuty Tomb Excavation, Luxor (in Spanish)
http://www.excavacionegipto.com/index.jsp http://www.excavacionegipto.com/campana/campana04_ing.jsp

The Tomb of Harwa (in Italian)

Memphis: Kom Tuman, Tell Aziziya and Kom Dafbaby
Russian version: http://www.cesras.ru/arch/memph/index.htm
English version: http://www.cesras.ru/eng/arch/memph/index.htm

Temple Precinct of Mut, Karnak, Luxor (Dig Diary)http://www.jhu.edu/neareast/egypttoday.html

Saqqara Online

Tell el Borg

For all of thes with descrptions, as well as a list of websites which contain reports from earlier seasons, but which have not yet been updated this season (or whose excavations have ended) see:

- North Kharga Oasis Survey
http://www.aucegypt.edu/academic/northkhargaoasissurvey/pages/home.html The NKOS has been updated with a short description of their activities in the 2006 season. Other survey/excavation team websites that have been updated this year can be found at:...

- Tt320 Royal Cachette Website
http://www.tt320.org/ Thanks very much to Jane Akshar's Luxor News blog for the information that TT320 has a dedicated website, at the above address. Additional information about the site, including some season summaries in English, can be found at:...

- Amheida: Director's Report 2006
http://tinyurl.com/hockb (learn.columbia.edu)The Roman period site of Amheida lies to the south of the modern Dakhleh Oasis town of El Qasr. Poart of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, the work at Amheida is carried out by Columbia University. After preliminary...

- Archaeological Sites In Egypt - Websites
The following is a list of the archaeolgical sites currently listed on my Egyptology Portal, in alphabetical order, together with URLs for the sites concerned. On the site itself I have a paragraph of description covering each. However, this is just a...

- Amheida 2005 Excavation Report Online
http://www.learn.columbia.edu/amheida/html/2005_field_reports/2005_report.html This is a lovely and highly informative page with plans, photographs and detailed descriptions: “During the 2005 season, a much enlarged team continued conservation and excavation...

