Updated publication: Rock Art of the Libyan Desert (DVD)

Updated publication: Rock Art of the Libyan Desert (DVD)

FJ Expeditions

The Second Expanded Edition of the DVD "Rock Art of the Libyan Desert" is now available. The new edition contains over nearly 300 new rock art sites, all new discoveries in the 2005-2009 period, with approximately 12000 photos (about 4000 newly added ones).
Andras Zboray

Details are as follows:

The Second Edition had been substantially expanded with the discoveries made by the author and others in the period 2005 to 2009. several new sites were added, and many sites have been updated with new photographs. Some of the new finds added considerably to our knowledge of the various styles and cultures, requiring some reworking of the corresponding sections. The following is a full listing of all updates and changes compared to the first edition:

• Added new region, "Clayton's Craters".

Rock Art Sites
• General: all scans of pre-2002 slides have been removed, and have been replaced with digital camera shots of the same scenes. In the few cases where the slides contained scenes that were not available in digital duplicate, the slides were re-scanned with a Minolta Dimage Scan Dual IV scanner and reproduced in 1024x683 pixels resolution, in a much improved quality compared to the first edition.
Gilf Kebir Plateau
• Added new photographs to sites EG 1 and EG 2 (North-eastern Gilf Kebir).
• Added new photographs to sites WH 1, WH 2, WH 3/A, WH 3/B, WH 3/C and WH 4 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Hamra).
• Added new sites WH 3/D, WH 3/E and WH 3/F (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Hamra).
• Added new photographs to sites AM 2/A, AM 2/B and AM 4 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik).
• Split Wadi Abd el Melik (Gilf Kebir) into five areas.
• Re-numbered sites AM 1, AM 2/A, AM 2/B, AM 3 to AM 11, AM 12/A, AM 12/B and AM 13 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 1).
• Added new sites AM 12/C and AM 12/D (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 1).
• Re-numbered site AM 4 to AM 38 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 3).
• Added new sites AM 31, AM 32, AM 33, AM 34, AM 35, AM 36 and AM 37 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 3).
• Added new sites AM 41, AM 42 and AM 43 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 4).
• Added new site AM 51 (Gilf Kebir, Wadi Abd el Melik, Area 5).
• Added new photographs to sites WG 21, WG 31/B, WG 32, WG 33/A, WG 34, WG 41/A, WG 42/A, WG 45/A, WG 46, WG 48, WG 51 and WG 52 (North Western Gilf Kebir, areas 2, 3, 4 & 5).
• Re-numbered site WG 44 to WG 44/A, and added new photographs (North Western Gilf Kebir, area 4).
• Added new sites WG 41/D, WG 42/D and WG 44/B (North Western Gilf Kebir, area 4).
• Added North Western Gilf Kebir, Area 8 (Gilf Kebir) with 2 new sites.
• Added new photographs to site SG 1 (Southern Gilf Kebir).
• Re-numbered site SG 2 to SG 2/A (Southern Gilf Kebir).
• Added new site SG 2/B (Southern Gilf Kebir).
"Unnamed Plateau"
• Added new photographs to site UP 1 ("Unnamed Plateau", SW Egypt).
• Added new site UP 2 ("Unnamed Plateau", SW Egypt).
"Clayton's Craters"
• Added new region, "Clayton's Craters" (With four areas, total of 16 sites).
"Elephant Rocks"
• Added new sites ER 3/A and ER 3/B ("Elephant Rocks" area).
Jebel Uweinat
• Added Karkur Ibrahim, Area 6 (Ain Duarmé, Jebel Uweinat) with 4 new sites.
• Added new region, Emeri Highland, to the Jebel Uweinat area (With three areas, total of 20 sites).
• Added new sites AZ 2, AZ 3/A and AZ 3/B (South Western Uweinat, Ain Zueia area).
• Added South Uweinat, Area 4 (Jebel Uweinat) with 17 new sites.
• Added new site WW 13 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 1).
• Added new photographs to site WW 23 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 2).
• Re-numbered site WW 25/A to WW 25 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 2).
• Merged (mis-identified) site WW 25/B with WW 45/C (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 4).
• Added new site WW 26 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 2).
• Added new photographs to site WW 31 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 3).
• Re-numbered site WW 32 to WW 32/A, and added new photographs (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 3).
• Added new site WW 32/B (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 3).
• Added new photographs to site WW 43 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 4).
• Re-assigned three photographs (04n_1502, 04n_1503, 04n_1504) from WW 45/C to WW 45/B (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi wahesh, Area 4).
• Added new site WW 46 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 4).
• Added Wadi Wahesh, Area 5 (Jebel Uweinat) with 13 new sites.
• Added Wadi Wahesh, Area 6 (Jebel Uweinat) with 1 new site.
• Added new region, Karkur Delein, to the Jebel Uweinat area (With five areas, total of 28 sites).
• Identified Fig. 70 among van Graziosi's unidentified sites as KDL 24 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Delein, Area 2).
• Added new photographs to sites KM 12 and KM 17 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Murr, Area 1).
• Site KM 31 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Murr, Area 3) was identified to be the same as site WW 31 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Wahesh, Area 3).
• Added new sites KM 31/A, KM 31/B, and KM 32 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Murr, Area 3).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 23/B, KT 23/C, KT 23/G, KT 23/I and KT 23/J (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 2).
• Identified Fig. 74 among van Noten's unidentified sites as KT 23/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 2).
• Added new sites KT 31/C, KT 31/D, KT 32/D, KT 32/E and KT 35/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 3).
• Added site overview photograph to sites KT 34/A, KT 34/B, KT 35/A and KT 38 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 3).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 33/A, KT 33/B, KT 36/C, KT 36/D, KT 36/E, KT 39/A and KT 39/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 3).
• Added site overview photograph to sites KT 42/A, KT 42/B, KT 42/D, KT 43/A and KT 43/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 4).
• Identified Fig. 7 among van Noten's unidentified sites as KT 45 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 4).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 46/B and KT 46/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 4).
• Added new site KT 46/F (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 4).
• Added new photographs to site KT 61/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 6).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 71/A, KT 71/B, KT 73/B, KT 75, KT 76/A, and KT 76/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 7).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 83/A, KT 83/B, KT 83/C, KT 84/A, KT 84/B, KT 85/A, KT 85/C, KT 86/B, KT 87/A, KT 87/B, KT 87/C, KT 88/A, KT 88/B, KT 88/C and KT 88/D (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 8).
• Added new sites KT 83/D and KT 83/E (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 8).
• Identified Fig. 59 among van Noten's unidentified sites as KT 83/E (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 8).
• Added new photographs to sites KT 97, KT 98/B, KT 98/C and KT 99/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 9).
• Added new sites KT 95/E, KT 95/F, KT 98/D and KT 99/E (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh, Area 9).
• Identified Winkler's photo M1008 (assigned to unidentified site KTN 22/B) as belonging to site KTN 21 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh North, Area 2).
• Added new sites KTN 22/B and KTN 25/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh North, Area 2).
• Added new photographs to sites KTN 25/A, KTN 25/B, KTN 26/A, KTN 26/C and KTN 27 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh North, Area 2).
• Added new sites KTN 45/A, KTN 45/B, and KTN 46 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh North, Area 4).
• Added Karkur Talh North, Area 5 (Jebel Uweinat) with one new site.
• Re-numbered site KTE 15 to KTE 15/A, added new site KTE 15/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh East).
• Added new photographs to sites KTS 15/A, KTS 15/C and KTS 16/A (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 1).
• Added a previously unreported panel (Cluster 1. right) and new photographs to site KTS 15/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 1).
• Re-numbered site KTS 21 to KTS 21/A, added new sites KTS 21/B and KTS 21/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 2).
• Added new photographs to sites KTS 23/A, KTS 23/C, KTS 23/D, KTS 23/E, KTS 24/A, KTS 24/B, KTS 25 and KTS 26/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 2).
• Added new sites KTS 23/F and KTS 23/G (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 2).
• Re-assigned two photographs (02o_025, 02o_026) from KTS 23/C to KTS 23/D (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 2).
• Re-numbered sites KTS 31 to KTS 31/A, KTS 32 to KTS 31/B, added new sites KTS 32/A, KTS 32/B, KTS 32/C, KTS 34/C, KTS 34/D and KTS 34/E (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 3).
• Added new photographs to sites KTS 35/A and KTS 37 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 3).
• Added new site KTS 64 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh South, Area 6).
• Re-numbered sites KTW 12/A to KTW 11/A, KTW 12/B to KTW 11/B, KTW 13/E to KTW 12 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 1).
• Added new photographs to site KTW 11/A (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 1).
• Added new sites KTW 11/C and KTW 11/D (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 1).
• Re-numbered site KTW 15 to KTW 15/B (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 1).
• Added new sites KTW 15/A, KTW 15/C and KTW 16/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 1).
• Added new photographs to sites KTW 21/A, KTW 22/A, KTW 23/A, KTW 23/B, KTW 24, KTW 26/A, KTW 26/B, KTW 27/A, KTW 28/A, KTW 28/B and KTW 28/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Re-numbered site KTW 23/C to KTW 23/D, added new site KTW 23/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Re-assigned three photographs (03f_0943, 03f_0944, 03f_0945) from KTW 27/B to KTW 23/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Added new photographs to sites KTW 23/C and KTW 23/D (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Re-numbered site KTW 25 to KTW 25/A, added new sites KTW 25/B, KTW 26/C (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Added new sites KTW 27/F and KTW 27/G (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 2).
• Added Karkur Talh West, Area 3 (Jebel Uweinat) with five new sites.
• Re-numbered site KTW 11 to KTW 31 (Jebel Uweinat, Karkur Talh West, Area 3).
• Added new photographs to sites HP 12, HP 21/A, HP 21/B and HP 42 (Jebel Uweinat, Hassanein Plateau).
• Added new site HP 43 (Jebel Uweinat, Hassanein Plateau, Area 4).
• Added North Western Plateau area (Jebel Uweinat) with 1 new site.
• Added Wadi Handal area (Jebel Uweinat) with 3 sub-areas and a total of 9 new sites.
• Re-numbered site KTN 18 to UWH 24 (Jebel Uweinat, Wadi Handal).
Rock Art Styles
• Revised "Uweinat Roundhead" Style among paintings to reflect new finds.
• Added Elongated "Roundhead" Style to the recognised paintings styles.
• Added Wadi Wahesh Style to the recognised paintings styles.
• Revised Cattle Herders Style among paintings to reflect new assessment of animal faced human figures (named "Karnasahi Style" in first edition).
• Removed the Karnasahi style from the recognised paintings styles (which is now considered a sub-style of the Cattle Herders).
• Added Dynastic Egyptian to the recognised engravings styles.

• 2005 saw a major addition to the bibliography of the rock art of the Libyan Desert: du Sahara au Nil by Jean-Loïc le Quellec, Pauline and Philippe de Flers (Soleb Fayard, Paris, 2005). This monumental work, illustrated with hundreds of photographs, discusses all aspects of the rock art of the Gilf Kebir and Jebel Uweinat area. The bibliography of individual sites was updated to include a reference to the photographs in this work.

In the period 2006-2009 several new articles appeared in the Sahara journal (numbers 17-20) related to the rock art of the Gilf Kebir & Uweinat region, which have all been incorporated into the bibliography and individual site bibliographical references.

- Sahara Journal Volume 22
Sahara Contents of volume 22 (published July 2011) Papers (with abstracts online at the above web address) Martin Williams and Geraldine E. Jacobsen A wetter climate in the desert of northern Sudan 9900-7600 years ago Per Storemyr The...

- Ancient Egyptians Made The Arduous Trek To Chad New Research Suggests
Unreported Heritage News (Owen Jarus) A trip across the desert of southwest Egypt is not for the faint of heart. Modern day travellers departing southwest from the Dakhla Oasis will find themselves hitting their flasks as they traverse the Egyptian wilderness....

- New Book: Gilf Kebir National Park
American University in Cairo Press The first and only guidebook to the Gilf and Uweinat. Gilf Kebir National Park Egypt Pocket Guide Alberto Siliotti Feb 2010 In the far southwestern corner of Egypt lies one of the most fascinating and least known regions...

- Sahara Volume 19
Sahara Thanks to Dirk Huyge for letting me know that the most recent issue of the journal Sahara has now been published. Here are the contents: Papers: Savino di Lernia, Lucia Mori and Andrea Zerboni Geo-archaeological survey in the Kufra Region (Eastern...

- Daily Photo - 8 Bells
The word "Eight Bells" and an arrow pointing north are spelled out in empty cans of aviation fuel at the south of the Gilf Kebir. The cans mark an aircraft landing site, which was used during the Second World War by the RAF in Egypt. The need for a landing...

