Valley of the Kings Discovery

Valley of the Kings Discovery (Monsters and Critics)
"An American archaeological mission discovered a tomb in Luxor's Valley of the Kings next to the burial place of King Tut, Egyptian antiquities authorities announced Wednesday. An excavation team from the University of Memphis made the find Tuesday 5 metres from Tutankhamun's tomb while the mission was doing routine excavation work, said Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. Some three metres beneath the ground, the tomb contained five human mummies with coloured funerary masks enclosed in sarcophagi and several large storage jars. The mummies date to the 18th dynasty (circa 1539-1292 BC)."

Thanks to Geoffrey Tassie from ECHO, for the following link to CNN, which provides more details: (CNN)
"The tomb contains five or six mummies in intact sarcophagi from the late 18th dynasty, about the same period as Tutankhamun, but the archaeologists have not yet had the time or the access to identify them, the archaeologist added. The shaft leading to the tomb was discovered last autumn . . . .
A statement from the government's Supreme Council of Antiquities said the tomb was found by a team from the University of Memphis in the United States. The five sarcophagi, which are carved to human form, have colored funerary masks and the tomb contains a large number of big storage jars, the statement said. 'For an unknown reason they were buried rapidly in the small tomb,' it added. The tomb was covered with the rubble of workmen's huts dating from the latter part of the 19th dynasty, more than 100 years after the tomb was sealed, it said."
See more on the above page.

Also on the Egyptian Gazette
"An archaeological team from Memphis University has unearthed catacombs in Luxor dating back to the 13th century BC, Minister of Culture, Farouq Hosni announced yesterday. The catacombs are located three metres underground and five metres from the tomb of Tut Ankhamun, which was unearthed 84 years ago, Farouq said.The team have also discovered five sarcophagi and 20 water jars dating back to the XVIII dynasty (1552-1295 BC)."
This is the entire item on the Egyptian Gazette website.

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