Video: City of the Dead

Video: City of the Dead

National Geographic

Egypt's City of the Dead is one of the country's largest cemeteries, dating back to the 14th century. As Cairo's population swells, the graveyard provides cheap and even free housing.

- Life Among The Dead
The National (Tahir Shah) Cairo’s great cemeteries were developed at least a thousand years ago in the Fatimid era, if not before, at the time of the Arab Conquest. Egypt is of course well known for its burial traditions. After all, the pyramids up...

- Redevelopment: Living With The Dead
Al Ahram Weekly (Dena Rashed) The residents of Cairo's cemeteries are sceptical about government plans to reorganise the area, as they explain to Dena Rashed Deadly silent may sound like a cliché when describing the alleyways that separate the cemeteries...

- Razing The City Of The Dead To Breathe New Life Into Cairo
The National (Matt Bradley) The Egyptian government is studying plans to move the historic Cairo cemetery of Arafa – a neighbourhood in which residents include both the living and the dead – to a location outside the Egyptian capital. The proposed...

- Egypt Gets 3000-year-old Statue Back From Dutch
GMA News Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities says it has retrieved from the Netherlands a small pharaonic funerary statue — over 3,000 years old and known as an ushebti — dating back to the 19th Dynasty. The Council says in a statement Monday...

- Travel/tourism: Cities Of The Dead Off Tourist Route
The Age A disturbing piece about the use of Islamic cemeteries for accomodation by 600,000 of Cairo's poorest people. Thirty years ago, Umm Antar's husband ran off with another woman, leaving her with no money and four daughters to feed. She was...

