Virtual exploration of Egypt's monuments

Virtual exploration of Egypt's monuments News

With a click of his computer mouse, Peter Janosi, a lecturer at the Institute of Egyptology in Vienna, analyzes ancient statues and decodes hieroglyphs unearthed
in the distant Giza Necropolis.

From the comfort of his study in Norwich, England, Colin Newton, a retired television repairman, explores rare Giza maps and expedition diaries in an effort to catalog all Old Kingdom tombs. Meanwhile, Laurel Flentye, an Egyptologist who specializes in art and archaeology, downloads excavation photos and roams inside subterranean chambers, zooming in on relief decorations in tombs around the Sphinx and Great Pyramid from her Cairo home.

They are virtual explorers, traveling through time and space via an online, interactive collection of one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world -- the Old Kingdom Giza Necropolis, with its royal tombs, pyramids, temples, and other Egyptian monuments circa 2500 BC.

The Giza Archives Project, established by Boston's Museum of Fine Arts in January 2005, aims to become the world's central online repository for all archaeological activity at the necropolis, beginning with the major 20th-century excavations that were jointly funded by the museum and Harvard University.

There's a rather nice slide show of Giza to accompany the article.

- Virtual Giza
The Giza 3D website is at: Fast Co Design  (Cliff Kuang) With photos. Last November, three American students studying in Egypt were arrested as they watched the protests leading up to parliamentary elections from...

- Strategic Partnership To Develop 3d Archaeological Content
3DS Press Release. One of the world’s largest Egyptology databases, the Giza Archives Project, will be the first to benefit from the power of interactive, immersive and multi-platform 3D experiences for both the scientific community and the general...

- Cemetery G2100 Virtual Exhibit The exhibit recreates 10 mastaba-tombs from Cemetery G 2100 of Giza Necropolis in both Second Life and Google Earth virtual worlds. The majority of the archaeological diagrams and photographs used to create the models were made by the Harvard...

- Giza Archives Project - Finding The Pharaohs Tufts Magazine, Spring 2007 (a publication of Tufts University), has featured the Giza Archives Project, in a paper entitled Finding the Pharaohs, by Helen Ragovin. This is an interesting...

- Digitizing Giza"Step into the subterranean tomb of Meresankh III, a queen of Egypt, wife to her uncle, the pharaoh Khafre. Turn to the right and examine the hieroglyphs carved into the limestone...

