Visiting the Bent Pyramid

Visiting the Bent Pyramid

In an effort to relieve Giza of some of its tourists the pyramids at Dashur are being opened to tourism this year.

- The Black Pyramid There's a good aeriel photograph of the Black Pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dashur on the above address. Here's the caption: Aerial view of the pyramid of Amenemhat III at Dashur. Called the Black Pyramid because of its dark color,...

- More Re Egypt To Open Chambers Of Bent Pyramid
Deseret News (Paul Schemm) Travelers to Egypt will soon be able to explore the inner chambers of the 4,500-year-old "bent" pyramid, known for its oddly shaped profile, and other nearby ancient tombs. The increased access to the pyramids south of Cairo...

- More Re Egypt To Open Chambers Of Bent Pyramid
Yahoo! News Travelers to Egypt will soon be able to explore the inner chambers of the 4,500-year-old "bent" pyramid, known for its oddly shaped profile, and other nearby ancient tombs. The increased access to the pyramids south of Cairo is part of a...

- Bent Pyramid Chamber To Be Opened To Public
Associated Press Travelers to Egypt will soon be able to explore the inner chambers of the 4,500-year-old "bent" pyramid, known for its oddly shaped profile, and other nearby ancient tombs, Egypt's antiquities chief announced Monday. The increased...

- Visiting Dashur A travel article about the benefits of taking the time to visit Dashur: "Nothing can dispel the wonder of the majestic pyramids at Giza, outside of Cairo--but the KFC and Pizza Hut across the street come pretty close. Then there...

