Watch the sun vanish in Egypt...
"Diarise the date of March 29 2006 for this is the day on which there will be a total eclipse of the sun. Though it will be visible in various countries across the globe, in Africa it will be seen in Egypt, Benin, Chad, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Libya, Togo, Nigeria and Niger. Of these countries, Egypt is not only extremely accessible, but is regarded as one of the cradles of civilisation. It also has an ancient past mythologically linked with the sun. There are academics who argue that the Egyptian hieroglyph symbol "Akhet" has been incorrectly interpreted as meaning "horizon". They believe strongly, and back their claims, that Akhet means "solar eclipse". They also believe Karnak may have been a representation on Earth of the sun's heavenly habitation and that the huge pillars of the temples were massive physical man-made representations of the symbol Akhet."
See the article for a list of things you might wish to do whilst making a visit to Egypt to see the eclipse.
Reflections On The Cairo Conference On Restitution
Museum Security Network (Kwame Opoku) The Conference on International Cooperation for the Protection and Repatriation of Cultural Heritage, 7-8 April 2010, Cairo, Egypt, ended with demands for the return of certain cultural artefacts which had been looted...
Lunar Eclipse
Egypt State Information Service The moon will turn an eerie shade of red for people in the Arab world, including Egypt, late today and early tomorrow. According to NASA, the event should also be visible from South America and most of North America on...
Saturday Trivia
Only one piece of trivia this week. The eclipse at Giza (Reuters) "Balancing on his head in the shadow of the ancient pyramids of Giza, a Dutch visitor tries to connect to the spiritual forces he says are swirling around the monuments...
Exhibition To Mark The Eclipse Zahi Hawass has announced that the Minister of Culture, Farouq Hosni, has agreed to organise an archaeological exhibition to mark tomorrow's solar eclipse which will be visible in el-Sallum. The exhibition,...
Antibiotics In Crocodile Blood to Kate from the Akhet website ( for pointing out the above article to me. "Scientists in Australia's tropical north are collecting blood...