Website looks at pyramid building solutions

Website looks at pyramid building solutions


A new web page was created to reveal the secret of the pyramid builders. For centuries nobody knew how the Egyptians could lift blocs of several tons before steel was ever invented. The idea was simple but it took centuries to find it. The mystery may be solved by the combination of a rope and 3 pulleys. Drawings and all the details are available at

The Great Pyramid of Giza used more than 2 million blocs of 2.5 tons each and that was done in 23 years. That means that every few minutes another bloc was cut out of the quarry, transported to the site, lifted and put into place. How could the Egyptians have done it?

Most egyptologists agree that the ramp is not a satisfactory solution. Hollywood's version with slaves and whips is even worse. Ramps may be justified for small buildings but becomes rapidly unpractical as the height of the pyramid increases. Slaves and whips were never used. It is well established today that the work was done by Egyptians who were well fed by Pharaoh and compensated for their labor. let's visitors choose the weight of the stone, the height of the pyramid and how hard somebody can pull on a rope.... The '3Wheel Device' will figure out how many men will be needed and how long it will take.

- Pyramids - Norwegian Researcher Unlocks Construction Secrets
Heritage Key For thousands of years, scientists from around the world have tried to understand how the Egyptians designed and built the Great Pyramid of Giza – the last remaining of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Now, an architect and researcher...

- Last Of The Ancient Wonders: The Great Pyramid
Al Ahram Weekly (Assam Deif) It has variously been claimed that the pyramids served as power plants, water pumps, astronomical observatories, sources of ill-defined pyramid- power energy vortices, guidance beacons for alien spacecraft sites for mystery...

- Pyramid Construction Theories
Two new theories about how the Giza pyramids may have been constructed have hit my Inbox this week. Marwan Gharzeddine emailed me with the URL of her website The Method of Construction of the Pyramids in Egypt, which proposes one theory (dated 2004, but...

- New Theory Re Construction Of Great Pyramid"It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and the only one of them to remain standing today. Yet the story of how the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually built has remained...

- The Pyramid Puzzle An article describing the Giza pyramids, focusing on the puzzle of how and why they were constructed, (including some of the more unusual theories, but excluding space aliens): "It...

