Weekly Websites

Weekly Websites

Antiquity Open Access

I'm cheating witht his week's edition - the Antiquity Open Access page offers the following short items about Egyptian and related archaeology. Here are the articles directly connected with Egypt (thanks again to Francis):

D. Usai & S. Salvatori
The oldest representation of a Nile boat

Dirk Huyge, Maxime Aubert, Hans Barnard, Wouter Claes, John Coleman Darnell, Morgan De Dapper, Elyssa Figari, Salima Ikram, Anne Lebrun-Nélis & Isabelle Therasse
‘Lascaux along the Nile’: Late Pleistocene rock art in Egypt

Heiko Riemer, Nadja Pöllath, Stefanie Nussbaum & Hubert Berke
The fire makers of El-Kharafish: a late prehistoric camp site in the Egyptian Western Desert

Pierre M. Vermeersch, Philip Van Peer & Veerle Rots
A Middle Palaeolithic site with blade technology at Al Tiwayrat, Qena, Upper Egypt

Alison L. Gascoigne
An archaeological survey of Tell Tinnis, Manzala, Egypt

Anne Haour & Vicky Winton
A Palaeolithic Cleaver from the Sahel: Freak or Fact?

A.J. Shortland
Surveying Ancient Raw Materials: The Egyptian Deserts Expedition

- Lascaux Along The Nile Revisited
Yale News (Dorie Baker) Using a new technology known as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), a team of Belgian scientists and Professor John Coleman Darnell of Yale have determined that Egyptian petroglyphs found at the east bank of the Nile are about...

- Rock Art At Qurta - Inora 51 2008
International Newsletter on Rock Art (in PDF Format) Thanks very much to Dr Dirk Huyge for letting me know that an article about his work at Qurta is available on the above website, free of charge. The article is accompanied by a map of the site's...

- Lascaux Along The Nile’: Late Pleistocene Rock Art In Egypt
http://antiquity.ac.uk/ProjGall/huyge/index.html The details of the Qurta rock art site released in a press release copied earlier in this blog have been published in the archaeological journal Antiquity, with a discussion of the factors which might offer...

- 15,000 Year Old Palaeolithic Rock Art At Qurta
15/05/06 Press ReleaseUnfortunately there is no URL for an online home for the following press release, which was sent to me by email: Belgian Arcaheological Mission Traces Oldest Art in Egypt: 15,000 year old Palaeolithic rock art sites at Qurta are...

- Weekly Websites
Another collection of fairly random websites that I have been visiting this week. Don't forget to let me know of any websites of interest that you have found. Delta Survey http://www.ees.ac.uk/deltasurvey/ds-home.html "This reference collection of...

