Weekly Websites

Weekly Websites

Oxford Expedition to Egypt

The Oxford Expedition to Egypt (OEE) consists of a group of professionals who are undertaking a variety of projects that relate to the study of Ancient Egypt during the period generally referred to as the 'Pyramid Age', or 'Old Kingdom' (c. 2650 - 2150 BC). Since 1995, OEE has been affiliated academically to Linacre College, University of Oxford. The Expedition's founding members possess formal attachments to the College, which effectively link Linacre College and the Expedition staff in the UK to the Expedition's fieldwork in Egypt.

Academic expeditions with current site-concessions in Egypt are granted permission to work seasonally at their ancient sites by the Secretary General and Members of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, a branch of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. In the case of OEE the sites in which most of its projects are located are at the necropolis of Maidum, east of the Fayuum, and the necropolis of Saqqara, not far from the ruins of the Old Kingdom capital, Memphis.


Edward Loring has posted a super new website dedicated exclusively to shabtis:

Welcome to shabtis.org, an online shabti museum and collecting place for links to shabtis worldwide. If you have shabtis, shabti-boxes, or anything relative to this subject, including Flickr sites*, blogs, forums, papers etc, please send us the web-address; we will link you from here and also from our network directory. If you do not have your own website and would like to post something for this project, you can send us your material as e-mail attachments and we will make you a page with your name, anything you would like to say and a link to this directory.

This is a project of the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of
Sciences and the Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo to serve all shabti-lovers.

Images of Deir el Medineh past and present

The above site is introduced on its home page by its authors Lenka and Andy Peacock as follows:

Deir el-Medina is a 3500-year-old village, the remains of which nestle in a small secluded valley in the shadow of the Theban hills, on the west bank of the Nile, across from modern-day Luxor in Upper Egypt.

Throughout the New Kingdom (since about 1550 BC) the village was inhabited by workmen who were responsible for constructing and decorating the royal tombs in both the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens.

The location is unique for its unrivalled wealth of archaeological, artistic and textual evidence that has survived and from which we can reconstruct many aspects of the daily lives of its ancient inhabitants.

These web pages document the past and the present of this, in my opinion, the prettiest archaeological site in the world, based on our own photographic material, that we have shot during our visits to Egypt and to various museums that house objects originating from Deir el-Medina.

These pages are composed as a tribute to Professor Jaroslav Černý (1898-1970), a Czech Egyptologist, who devoted most of his life to the study of this community.

Tutankhamun Resources

A short article with links to various resources for Tutankhamun, to accompany an article announcing the Fall 2008 visit of the Tutankhamun exhibition to Dallas, U.S.

1989 ISIS Fellowship Lecture: Gold in a time of bronze and Iron by J.M. Ogden
Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum
A paper looking at the development of precious metal craft between 1200 and 600BC with a view to determining if there was a "dark age" period when art work ceased to be produced or, instead, some degree of continuity between styles and technologies that would challenge the dark age hypothesis. He focuses in particular on the Tell Basta hoard. In PDF format.

- Woking College Collection At Swansea
Egypt Centre, Swansea  A collection of over 50 ancient Egyptian objects travelled from Surrey to Swansea, and arrived at the the Egypt Centre today (31st May 2012). Items on loan include a Sokar hawk, shabti figures, two glass bottles, two amulets,...

- Why Do Museums Collect… Shabtis?
Egypt at the Manchester Museum (Campbell Price) One of the most popular and ubiquitous items of ancient Egyptian funerary equipment is the small servant figurine – or shabti. Most museums with an Egyptian collection, however small, include at least...

- Workmen’s Huts In The Theban Mountains (whtm) Project
Finnish Egyptology Society Thanks to Jane Akshar for pointing to this link of of the Finnish project's excavations at the Workmen's huts in the Theban mountains, which are planned to continue until 2013. With two photo galleries (2009 and 2010)...

- Deir El-medina In The Days Of The Ramesses
The Louvre Thanks to ongoing toothache and the inevitably resulting sleepless nights I have been pottering around some websites that I don't usually visit very often. I have found one or two old and newer items that, although hardly news, may be of...

- What Happened To Pharaoh's Workers?
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) We are gradually beginning to understand what happened to the elite body of artisans that worked on the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings after they ceased to be built, says Jill Kamil It appears that the workers, or...

