What's new in ABZU

What's new in ABZU

Thanks to Chuck Jones for the information that you can now register to receive e-mail notification when Abzu is updated. Direct your browser to http://www.rssfwd.com/ , enter the url: http://www.etana.org/abzu/rss/ , and then your email address and you're done. For those of you unfamiliar with Abzu, "Abzu is a guide to the rapidly increasing, and widely distributed data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East via the Internet."

- Abzu Updated
New from Chuck Jones: To find material newly added to Abzu, you can follow the "View items recently added to ABZU link at:http://www.etana.org/abzu/ Entries stay there for a month from the date they are entered. Alternatively you can make use of the RSS...

- Abzu
http://www.etana.org/abzu/Thanks to Chuck Jones for the information that ABZU has recently been updated. For those unfamiliar with Abzu, operating since October 1994 it is "a guide to the rapidly increasing, and widely distributed data relevant to the...

- More From Abzu
If you want to keep tabs on the latest news from the Abzu website, Chuck Jones has emailed to let visitors know that the ETANA team has developed an RSS feed for the What's New in Abzu pages. The XML source for the feed is: http://www.etana.org/abzu/rss....

- Abzu Catalogue Updated
http://www.etana.org/abzu/Chuck Jones, who has recently moved to a new post in Athens, has started to catalogue publications on Abzu one again. For anyone unfamiliar with the excellent Abzu resource, the website describes it as follows: "Abzu is a guide...

- Abzu Updated
http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/RA/ABZU/AbzuNew12.2004.html 138 items have been catalogued in Abzu during the period 1 December - 31 December 2004, and the full list is posted, with links to each item, at the above linke. If you haven't come across...

