Whose mask is it, anyway?

Whose mask is it, anyway?

A detailed and intriguing article about the Louis Mask, and the controversy of who owns it - the St Louis Art Museum, or the Egyptian State: "According to records held by the antiquities department the funerary mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer was discovered in 1952 by Egyptologist Zakariya Goneim while he was excavating the area of the unfinished Step Pyramid of the Third- Dynasty ruler Sekhemkhet on the Saqqara necropolis. Along with many other finds from the excavation the mask was placed in the so-called Sekhemkhet magazine, which was situated to the south of the pyramid of Unas. This and all the contents of the magazine were the property of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority, now SCA . . . . A trawl through the museum's documents, however, has produced no evidence that the splendid mask ever entered the Egyptian Museum. Moreover, it was found that several of the other objects discovered by Goneim that had been sent immediately to the museum were stored unregistered until 1972 . . . . Although the story of Ka-Nefer-Nefer's discovery is well known, its means of exit from Egypt remains a perplexing mystery."
See the above website for the full story.

- The Repatriation Of The St Louis Mask Again Under Discussion
NewsDay A fight between the US government and the St Louis Art Museum over a death mask from ancient Egypt intensified last Wednesday as the government formally demanded the museum hand over the disputed object. The 3 200-year-old mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer,...

- Update Re St Louis Mask
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12598537/The SCA have given the St Louis Art Museum a deadline for returning the Mask, which they believe was stolen from Saqqara, and is therefore rightfully the property of Egypt: "If only the 3,000-year-old mummy mask at the...

- The St Louis Mask Controversy
The mysterious voyage of the Ka-Nefer-Nefer mask http://www.riverfronttimes.com/Issues/2006-02-15/news/feature.htmlA long feature (10 pages - easier to read in Print view) about the discovery and subsequent travels of the Ka-Nefer-Nefer mask now in the...

- Letter Re The St Louis Mask
Thanks very much to Geoffrey Tassie of the Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organization (ECHO http://www.e-c-h-o.org/index2.htm) for forwarding the following letter:To whom it may concern I hereby confirm that the mummy mask of Kai Nefer Nefer shown on the...

- U.s. Demands Return Ka-nefer-nefer
The United states government has now demanded that the St, Louis Art Museum hand over the nineteenth dynasty mask known as the mask of Ka-nefer-nefer so that it may be returned back to Egypt. Battle for Ka-nefer-nefer...

