Why was an ancient Egyptian boy dressed as a girl?

Why was an ancient Egyptian boy dressed as a girl?

Daily Mail

With photos

A 1,700-year-old Egyptian mummy has been revealed as a boy dressed in girl's clothing thanks to these incredible hospital scans.

The child, who lived around 350AD, underwent scans as experts hoped to determine its sex and discover how it suffered a fatal brain haemorrhage.

The mummy, housed at Saffron Walden Museum in Essex, was shrouded in mystery after it was discovered in a private collection in 1878.

Studies last year discovered it was wrapped in clothing adorned in feminine symbols, wearing girl's breast cones and a female bracelet.

Ground-breaking CT scans carried out at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, have finally solved the mystery revealing the mummy is a boy dressed in girl's clothing.

These stunning images also show that the boy, aged four to five, mysteriously suffered a fractured skull and brain haemorrhage and a broken collarbone before dying.

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