William Flinders Petrie

William Flinders Petrie

Heritage Key

This is not an article about Petrie but it is a short biography (excerpt below) with links to relevant articles on Heritage Key about Petrie and about the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in London, UK.

Sir William Flinders Petrie was one of the most revered Egyptologists in history, and a pioneer of systematic methodology in archaeology. He already had exploration in his blood before his birth in 1853; his grandfather was one of the first men to chart Australia. Whilst a child, his mother introduced him to Hebrew, Latin and Greek - which helped nurture his later obsession with the ancient past. As a young man Petrie developed a taste for geometry and engineering, spurred on by his industrial engineer father.

Later on he would allude the building of Stonehenge with that of the Great Pyramids at Giza, and speculated that pi must have been used in their development. His 1883 book The Pyramids and Temples of Giza still remains a key text on the subject of the structures' construction and measurement. He then carried on his work at Tanis, Sehel and Fayoum - by which time he was already famous for discovering a great number of steles and pottery.

- Short Biography Of William Flinders Petrie
Humanities blog Is there any well known archaeologist who hasn't been compared to Indiana Jones? Sigh. The exhibition "Egypt excavations" will be presented at the Institute in Flint Flint, Michigan until January 2007. The show will be about 200 of...

- Museums: Interview With The Petrie's Stephen Quirk
Heritage Key (Sean Williams) Dr Stephen Quirke is a lecturer of Egyptology at University College London, and curator of the Petrie Museum, named after the famous archaeologist William Flinders Petrie. Dr Quirke has written several books on Ancient Egypt;...

- Exhibition: Excavating Egypt Going To Santa Fe
Dallas Morning News More than 220 Egyptian artifacts from a collection that never before has left England will be on display at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe from Sept. 1 through Jan. 6. "Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie...

- Sir William Flinders Petrie
http://tinyurl.com/zgdjl (mlive.com)A feature on the mlive website to coincide with the Petrie exhibition at the Flint Institute of Art. This piece focuses mainly on Petrie himself, looking at his early interest in archeaology, how he came to work in...

- Exhibition: Petrie In The Us
http://tinyurl.com/ndsoo (Rocky Mountain News) An article about the Excavating Egypt exhibition based on the pioneering archaeologist Flinders Petrie, and the items from his collection currently touring the US: "The 27-year-old British archaeologist was...

