Winning mummy photograph

Winning mummy photograph
Winning image of the mummy scan, mentioned last week, which won the photography category of the 2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. Truly fascinating.

- Minnesota Mummy Under The Scanner
MinnPost While many a mummy-costumed trick-or-treater heads to the streets this Halloween weekend, Minnesota’s most famous bona fide mummy is going to Children’s Hospital in St. Paul for a CT scan. The Science Museum of Minnesota has decided it’s...

- Mummy Scan Wins 2006 Science And Engineering Visualization Challenge Award Challenge is intended to celebrate and encourage the visualization of research. First place in the photography category was a phtograph of the scan of a child mummy from the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum: "An...

- Virtual Unwrapping Of Mummy "Before an eager audience of academics, Egyptologists, technologists and other onlookers, a 2,000-year-old girl had her official coming out party Wednesday. The crowd had gathered at SGI's Reality Center...

- Hawass Perpetuates Mummy's Curse Myth Zahi Hawass was video'd at the CT scan of Tutankhamun's mummy, saying that it would be unwise to dismiss the idea of the curse that was supposed to have haunted the original finders of the tomb. He cited a number...

- Ct Scan Carried Out On The Remains Of Tutankhamun Apart from the sensationalist lead paragraph, this is not a bad article. It starts off "A team of researchers briefly removed King Tut's...

