Work continues at Amara West even after the season closes

Work continues at Amara West even after the season closes

British Museum (Neal spencer)

A busy last week saw excavations wound up in Amara West, a concerted effort to survey, draw, photograph and record all the features exposed … and then the logistics of closing the dig house, travelling south to Khartoum, and finally flying home.

The season in the cemetery has prompted us to revise some of our previous assumptions (especially the discovery that it was used for New Kingdom burials) – more on that in the next post.

In the Ramesside housing block in the northwest of the town, we did not expose any new areas, but rather delved deeper into, and beneath, houses previously excavated. A key result of the season – in the buildings excavated by Tom Lyons – has been a clear understanding of how one early house was levelled in the mid-19th dynasty, to make way for a larger house. Within a short period, this house was then divided into two.

- Update Re Amara West: A Pottery Kiln?
The British Museum Shadia Abdu Rabo, National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums, Sudan and Neal Spencer, British Museum Towards the end of the season, working in layers beneath house E13.8, we found a circular kiln – our first at Amara West....

- More From Amara West Excavations
If you are not already signed up to the Amara West blog I do sincerely recommend it - they still have a couple of weeks of the season left and update the blog regularly. Here are a sample of recent posts, all with lovely photographs. British Museum -nice...

- Hieroglyph-inscribed Lintel Discovered At Amara West
Amara West, British Museum blog (Mary Shepperson) With photos. House E13.6 at Amara West is a linear domestic house in the centre of the town. In its late phase, the house was entered from a narrow lane through two small rooms, leading to a large central...

- More Discoveries At Amara West
British Museum (Charly Valance) Exerpt: With some great photos, as usual. Lovely to see things coming along nicely at Amara West, whilst everything goes on hold in Egypt. In my second season at Amara West – I spend the rest of the year as a field archaeologist...

- Shopping For Equipment For Fieldwork In The Sudan
British Museum (Neal Spencer) With departure for Sudan only weeks away, we’re putting together the final preparations for our fourth season of fieldwork at Amara West. Flights are booked, visas obtained, inoculations accumulated – and we have defined...

