Would ancient Egyptians worship your pet cat?

Would ancient Egyptians worship your pet cat?


The next time you sip your morning coffee while watching your favorite pet feline methodically groom herself for the day, consider this: your pet cat might have been revered, even worshipped by Egyptians thousands of years ago. These ancient Egyptians were a technologically and intellectually advanced society for their time. What exactly about your pet would they find so worthy of adoration?

To better appreciate this race’s amazing allegiance to their four footed companions, one must have a modest understanding of history. The Egyptians wisely utilized the waters from the Nile River, and its surrounding fertile soil to grow a variety of crops. Those seasons when the crops failed, the economy suffered horribly, and thousands of people went without food. This ancient culture relied heavily upon the wild, or feral cats of their era to protect their prized grains and harvested crops from disease carrying rats and mice. With their long, graceful limbs, large eyes, and sleek form, these agile felines were perfectly suited to catch vermin. It is suggested that terrible plagues were avoided just from the cats keeping the local rat population in check.

See the above page for the full story.

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