Zahi Hawass and the Museum Giftshop

Zahi Hawass and the Museum Giftshop

Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown)

Vincent has written a fascinating piece about the politics surrounding the gift ship of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Here's his introduction:

The new Museum gift shop that was looted during the recent revolution in Egypt has been a subject of ongoing controversy. In official reports from the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the Egypt Cultural Heritage Organisation (ECHO) it was stated by the former director of the museum of Egyptian Antiquities (2004-2010) Mrs Wafaa el-Saddik, that the looting of the new gift shop was an inside job, carried out by the museum’s own security and Egyptian Police dressed in plain clothes.

More evidence of internal corruption has come to light in the past few weeks concerning the gift shop and Dr Zahi Hawass’ involvement. Simply put, the opening of the Museum’s new gift shop on the 15th of December last year is in violation of a court verdict.

What follows is a detailed description of events surrounding the establishment of the museum’s new gift shop based on accounts by Egyptian publisher, photographer, writer and printer, Mr Farid Atiya who was directly involved.

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