"Egyptological": online magazine update

Kate and I had a meeting earlier this week and decided that we are in complete agreement that the magazine,
Egyptological, is a viable proposition, so we are going ahead with it.
We have agreed on the type of content and how it should be managed, Kate has done some amazing mock-ups for the navigation and page layouts and we are working to a clearly defined web development process. All technical and operational issues and legal concerns are being handled as part and parcel of the development process.
As there are many issues to handle and a lot of work to be done this is not going to be a quick process. We will be posting all updates on our Egyptologcial Magazine Site Status blog, so please go there for all news on the subject but I'll also post a link here each time we update that blog.
A big thank you to all of you who have contributed ideas, advice, warnings and who have offered to contribute content, photos and practical assistance with the running of the site. Do keep the comments coming - they are seriously valued. Many of your ideas have found there way into our documentation.
Egyptological Launches
After several months of development Kate Phizackerley and I are very pleased to announce that we are ready to invite writers and photographers to contribute to the first issue of our free online magazine, Egytpological. There is some sample content published...
"egyptological" - Online Magazine Update
Egyptological Magazine Site Status Kate has posted an update on progress with our online Egyptology magazine. I mentioned the word "hieroglyphs" to her a couple of weeks ago - and then I ducked for cover. I was going through my hieroglyph flashcards...
Update: Online Egyptology Magazine
Just to let you know that we haven't forgotten about the online magazine proposal and we are still working through ideas. Kate and I need another meeting to go through all the replies and suggestions to see what happens next. Thanks very much for...
A New Online Egyptology Magazine?
Is there room in the world of Egyptology for an online magazine written by talented amateur Egyptologists, Egyptology society members, undergraduates and informal students? Kate Phizackerley ( and I are doing market research into the possibility...
Egyptological Launch
As many interested in Egyptology will know Andie Byrnes of Egyptology News and Kate Phizackerley of News from the Valley of Kings have been working hard to put together a free site where members of the Egyptological community professional or amateur can...