A trade older than the pyramids
A fascinating and revealing paper, written by Geoffrey Tassie of the Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organization (ECHO). I have published the entire paper on the above web page, and it will soon be added to the ECHO website. Here's a summary with extracts.
The paper looks at one of the world's oldest trades - the theft of heritage and artefacts in Egypt. It starts with the robbing of tombs in antiquity: "So serious was tomb-robbing considered in Dynasty XX and XXI that many other papyri record the statements of convicted robbers."
Tass then takes us on a tour of historical theft and smuggling: "Egypt’s royalty lay relatively undisturbed for many thousands of years, with only the odd Luxor

West Bank villager, particularly those from Qurna, using the mummy wrappings, old furniture and papyri as good burning material for their cooking fires. However, with the influx of Western tourists after the Napoleonic Expedition, the local West Bank villagers, many of whom actually lived in the tombs, found that they could make a small fortune by selling items from the tombs that they lived among. The trade in antiquities soon caught on, with every visitor wanting a souvenir of their visit." He goes on to explain the role of the notorious Abd el-Rassul family.

Bringing us up to date, the paper looks at some of the more recent issues regarding this subject, including the vexed subject of the St Louis Mask, the SCA's laudible and pivotal attempts to resolve the situation, and the role of organizations like ECHO in helping to investigate in an impartial way: "Hawass’ attentions are now focused on the St. Louis Art Museum and the repatriation of the Mask of Kanefernefer. . . . ECHO has been very proactive in following the rights of legal ownership of the mask of Kanefernefer, and in co-operation with Dr. Zahi Hawass (Secretary General of the SCA), Dr. Hany Hanna (Elected Chair, ICOM and General Director, Department of Conservation, SCA), and a legal representative in the USA are now convinced that there is a legal case for the Egyptian Government to pursue."
This informative paper raises important issues. See the URL at the top of the page to read the entire article.
Thanks to Tass for permission to publish the entire paper, and to post extracts from the paper here.
Commentary On Slam Mummy Mask Case
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Rick St. Hilaire)
The current civil litigation surrounding whether the Ka-Nefer-Nefer mummy mask is contraband is worth following given the current legal arguments in play.
The mask, located at the St. Louis Art Museum...
St Louis Mask - Us Claims Slam Lacks Legal Standing
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Rick St Hilaire) In the latest round of papers filed in court last week, lawyers for the US Attorney’s Office in St. Louis sought to strike the St. Louis Art Museum’s legal claim in the federal lawsuit involving the mummy...
The St Louis Mask Issue Is Still Alive And Kicking
River Front Times (Malcolm Gay) Some of you may remember that a very beautiful funerary mask, currently located in the St Louis Art Museum, has been the topic of repatriation disputes in the past. I have covered this in a number of posts (click the link...
Update Re St Louis Mask SCA have given the St Louis Art Museum a deadline for returning the Mask, which they believe was stolen from Saqqara, and is therefore rightfully the property of Egypt: "If only the 3,000-year-old mummy mask at the...
Not To Forget Kanefernefer
The mask from the St. Louis Art Museum is from the Egypt's 19th dynasty ca. 1250bce and is its star attraction.The mask was found at Sakkara in 1952, the Cairo museum went looking for it in 1959 and found it missing from its holdings. Kanefernefer's...