Abu Simbel

Here is a lovely picture and story on the temple of Rameses II at Abu Simbel.
Abu Simbel Farmers Release Tourists Held Over Water Shortage
Egypt Independent Dozens of farmers in the Abu Simbel area have ended a sit-in and released 204 tourists they had held hostage inside their buses to demand the provision of irrigation water for their farms, Abu Simbel Mayor Assad Abdel Majid told...
Aswan Celebrates Sun Perpendicular On King Ramses Ii Face
Egypt State Information Service "A special celebration will be held tomorrow to mark the sun shining on the face of the statute of Ramses II," a senior official announced yesterday. Saber Sanad, head of the local council of Abu Simbel, Aswan,...
Sunlight Falling On The Face Of Ramses Ii ( "Up to 5,000 tourists witnessed here onThursday22/2/2007 the celebration of the perpendicular sun fall on the face of Pharaoh Ramses II statue in Abu Simbel Temple in Luxor. The captivating event happens twice per...
Egypt's Other Wonders brief travel piece about Abu Simbel: "Mankind spread beyond Africa some 30,000 years ago, the anthropologists tell us, but a significant number stayed along the banks of the Nile River. What they...
Observing The Sun On The Face Of Ramesses "Head of Aswan and Nubia monuments Mohamad El Beyali said some 5,000 tourists of various nationalities arrived in Aswan to watch the Sun perpendicularity on the face Ramses II statue in Abu Simbel. Aswan governorate prepared an...