Amarna from a Balloon

A fine article about the Heretic King's capital with 2 fine videos to watch.
I have thought for many years that living in his time would have been brutal on the people with only the courtiers and the royal family living the good life.
The King's touchy feely propaganda may be the exact opposite of the truth.
In The Field: Interview With Barry Kemp Re Amarna
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) “There is no other site like it,” states the introductory paragraph on the website of the Amarna Project – the body which, since 2005, has been responsible for excavations and research at Tell el-Amarna, the short-lived...
Feature: How Did Tutankhamun Die? With video (transcription available on Heritage Key). Before the tomb of King Tutankhamun was found, Egyptologists knew very little about this short-reigned king. Since the discovery of KV 62 in 1922, King Tut has become the most famous pharaoh,...
Akhenaten: Pharaoh Of Egypt
Cyril Aldred Thames and Hudson First Abacus Edition Great Britain 1972 ISBN-10: 0500276218 "Egyptologists first stumbled upon his peculiar figure carved on the walls of abandoned rock tombs in Middle Egypt. Since that initial discovery he has been the...
Son Of Akhenaton?
Was King Tut the son of Akhenaton or Amenhotep III. It should however not be a mystery that no propaganda seems to exist connecting Tut as being the son of the Hieratic King as these pieces of propaganda may have been destroyed at the start of Tutankhamun's...
I resisted this story as it is in this authors opinion that understanding art with the perspective of a modern view is misleading of the ancient message being sent by a Kings propaganda. In defense the erasure of this Kings memory by his successors has...