An Act of Deceit

After this past weeks meeting between Friederike Seyfried, director of the Aegyptisches Museum und Papyrussammiung in Berlin and Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities the negotiations for the return of the bust of Nefertiti have moved onto the next stage of transfer of the iconic bust to Cairo.
The documents director Seyfried presented to Dr. Hawass appear to show deceit on the part of the excavator Ludwig Borchardt
"did act unethically with intent to deceive in order to keep the bust in the German share".
Dr. Hawass goes on "It seems that there was an agreement between Borchardt and Lefèvre that all the plaster pieces (which included an important group of plaster masks of the royal family at Amarna), would go to Berlin, and this appears to have been one way that Borchardt misled Lefèvre to ensure that the bust would go to Berlin as well,"
This is to be expected from the Egyptian point of view but time will tell if the German officials can be talked out of their biggest star!
Nefertiti Going Nowhere
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Artifacts From The (dog) Excavations Of Tell El Amarna
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Nefertiti On The Table
Dr. Zahi Hawass and his German counterpart Dr. Friederike Seyfried, Director of the Aegyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung have met to discuss the legitimacy of Berlin's ownership of the famous bust of Nefertiti. The documents show that the busts...
Nefertiti's New Home
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"i Will Prove Nefertiti Is Stolen"
Dr. Hawass really wants the bust back from Berlin but unfortunately for him a lazy official from Egypt's Antiquities service gave it to the German excavation in 1912. Unfortunately Berlin neglected to publish the masterpiece for 9 years making its...