Ancient Egypt Magazine - Free PDF Downloads

Ancient Egypt Magazine download page
Ancient Egypt magazine has, for some time now, offered the alternative to download PDF versions of the entire magazine for a fee. They are also offering two issues no longer available in print for download, free of charge. These are the issues available:
Volume 7, Issue 2 which includes the final excavation report of KV63
(for full table of contents click here).
Volume 2, Issue 3, No.9
(for table of contents click here)
There's also a free 8 page sample of Volume 7, Issue 1.
Thanks very much to Ingeborg Waanders for bringing this to my attention.
Journal: Azania - Archaeological Research In Africa
Taylor and Francis Volume 47, Issue 2, 2012. All articles available for purchase, but abstracts are free to view. There's an article in this issue about the Western Desert, but Andrew B Smith's article may also be of interest. ...
Fun: Archaeology Magazine's Latest Cover Vote
Vovici Archeaology magazine has put its covery survey for the January-February 2010 issue online at the above page. It is always a matter of some curiosity to see the alternatives proposed. The upcoming edition of the magazine is an Ancient Egyptian...
Online Publication: Excavation In Egypt At Tell El-balamun
British Museum The fourth volume in the series of final reports for this project is entitled Excavations at Tell el-Balamun 2003 – 2008. It is available to download here in PDF format. The file is low-resolution for on-screen viewing. Users who want...
Downloads - Archaeological Research Tools
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA A Practical Guide to Archaeological Photography Archaeological Research Tools 6 Carol L. Howell & Warren Blanc OUT OF PRINT For a PDF download of this publication, click here. Conservation Manual for the Field...
Journal Of Egyptian History No1 2008
Ingenta Connect The first issue of the new journal, which has been mentioned previously on the blog, is now available free of charge online at the above address. Each article is available for download as a PDF. I have no idea how long it will remain free,...