Ancient Egypt magazine Feb/March 2008

Ancient Egypt
The February/March 2008 issue of “Ancient Egypt” magazine (published in the U.K.) is now available.
This issue is also available as an electronic version which can be found at the web site at the above address. This may be useful for anyone with a broadband connection who may have difficulty in getting hold of a paper copy of the magazine, or who might want to see a copy before subscribing.
Contents of this issue include;
- News from Egypt: The magazine’s Egypt Correspondent, Dr. Ayman Wahby Taher, brings the latest news from Egypt which includes a report on the placing on display of the mummy of Tutankhamun, more new discoveries in and around the Temple of Karnak and on the west bank and an exhibition of Polish work in Egypt at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
- The Amarna Project: In the first in a series of articles on the latest work at Amarna, city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Professor Barry Kemp looks at how the city was founded and how it developed and ultimately failed.
- The KNH centre for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester: Students from the KNH centre report on some of the varied aspects of their work and research on human remains.
- Tutankhamun and the Royal Crowns of Egypt: AE looks at royal crowns, as illustrated by the Ushabti figures and many statues of Tutankhamun found in his tomb.
- Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs: A photo report on the exhibition currently showing in London, featuring some of the main, bust also some of the lesser-well-known, but equally interesting pieces.
- The Dakhleh Oasis Project In the last in a series of articles on work in the Oasis, Professor Fred Leemhuis looks at the discoveries and conservation work being done in the old town of Qasr Dakhleh..
- An ancient Egyptian-style building in the shadow of the Great Pyramid. AE looks at the unusual and striking building, erected at Giza by King Farouk and now in need of urgent repair.
- Per Mesut: For younger readers: This issue Hilary Wilson looks at Light.
Book Reviews:
- Omm Sety’s Egypt, by Hany el Zeini and Catherine Dees.
- The Two Brothers: Death and the Afterlife in Middle Kingdom Egypt, by Rosalie David.
- An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, by Kathryn A. Bard.
- The Rough Guide to Tutankhamun, by Michael Haag.
- Tutankhamun: The Eternal Splendor of the Boy King, by T.G.H. James.
- King Tutankhamun: The Treasures of the Tomb, by Zahi Hawass.
- Tutankhamun: Ultimate Activity Book, by Hendrikje Nouwens.
- The Tutankhamun File: The Secrets of the Tomb and the Life of the Pharaoh, by Jaromir Malek.
- Tutankhamun’s Cookbook, by Jackie Ridley.
- Carnarvon and Carter, by Fiona, 8th. Countess of Carnarvon.
- The Boy Behind the Mask, by Charlotte Booth.
- CD: Coffee Time, by the Bedouin Jerry Can Band.
Plus other Regular Features that include:
Egyptology Society details for the UK and many overseas and full listing of forthcoming lectures and events in the UK from February to April 2008.
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