Blog updates

Blog updates

Thanks a million to everyone who emailed with news items whilst I was away. I have now read all the emails and on the posts below you fill find a round up of the news stories that were waiting in my Inbox. I still haven't been through my RSS aggregator or my Alerts yet, so there will probably be more to come over the next couple of days.

I've taken down the off-topic comments about BTFon and Adobe (job done - feelings vented!) but for anyone interested in the outcome of the Adobe saga, there hasn't been one - still not a sound from Adobe. I'm going to wait until I'm back in London and try to tackle the issue by telephone. Oh joy of joys.


- Photo For Today, And Update
Deir el Medina, looking towards the Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor I tried to go up higher for this and other photos but I was removed firmly from my spot by a guard. With 161 news items saved in my Blog folder it is going to take longer than usual to...

- First Batch Of Back-dated Posts
Please find below a batch of back-dated posts. I am only half way through my Google Reader feed, and haven't looked at either my emails or my Yahoo! alerts yet. This could take some time! Best Andie Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Blog Update
Thanks almost exclusively to Kat Newkirk I have made a start at updating the blog with the main news items that appeared whilst I was away (see below). There are many other emails to be read and I have not yet checked my other Inboxes, so there may be...

- Blog Update
It is always my worst blogging nightmare that I will go away for a few days and that after weeks of relative silence from the world of Egyptology something major will erupt. I could have wept when I came back to my Inbox yesterday! However, it is great...

- Meroitic Newsletter - A Digital Compilation
Etana-ABZU A new open access journal has been added to the online ABZU resource, as follows: The Meroitic Newsletter - A Digital Compilation. Version 1.0 (Issues 1-21,23,24,27,28) Compiled by Reginald Smith Dedicated to all Meroitic Scholars, especially...

