Bloomsbury Summer School 2008 Programme

Bloomsbury Summer School
The draft programme for the Bloomsbury Summer School is now available online, and full details will be available in the form of both the printed brochure and a complete online update shortly. Last year the Summer School had attendees of all ages from Europe, Australia, Africa and the U.S., and we hope to welcome a similar mix of nationalities, ages and interests in 2008.
Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Thanks to everyone who emailed to say that they particularly liked the Amarna photographs generously supplied by Lucia Gahlin. This is the last of them, so enjoy the view! Amarna plain from north tombs Copyright Lucial Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School...
Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Bedroom and bathroom, North Palace, Amarna Copyright Lucia Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School (now with details of John Romer's course in Luxor) With my thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Lecture Tour: Bss In Egypt - Exploring Amarna
As usual I'm using my owner's rights to break my own rules and plug a tour/lecture meeting. operated by Lucia Gahlin and the Bloomsbury Summer School. This one is a bit special partly because over 50% of the profit is going to the Amarna Trust....
Bloomsbury Summer School
The annual ruthless plug for my friends at the Bloomsbury Summer School, which is held in London, U.K. News from Bloomsbury Summer School from Lucia Gahlin Amidst much excitement we launched Bloomsbury Summer School in Egypt this year, and within no time...
Rock Art Topographical Survey - Second Edition
Thanks very much to Christopher Coleman for letting me know that the second edition of the Eastern Desert Rock Art Topographical Survey (edited by Maggie and Mike Morrow) has been announced and is due to be published in November 2008. This is a fully...