Book launch: Living Images

The book
Living Images: Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum, published in memory of Barbara Adams by the Friends of the Petrie Museum and the Institute of Archaeology (by Jan Picton, Stephen Quirke & Paul Roberts) was launched yesterday, Friday 26th October at the Institute of Archaeology (UCL, London) with a lecture.
Jan Picton's email regarding the dedication of the book to Barbara Adams says that:
Barbara Adams was the much loved Research Curator of the Petrie Museum who died in 2002. She joined the Petrie Museum in 1965 as the museum attendant and rose to become not just a great Museum Curator but a leading scholar in the field of Predynastic Egypt and Joint Director, with Renee Friedman, of the excavations at Hierakonpolis. She was responsible for founding the Friends of the Petrie Museum and one of our first projects was raising the funds to conserve the mummy portraits so it was fitting that we should publish them in her memory.
Full details of the book:
Jan Picton, Stephen Quirke & Paul Roberts
Living Images: Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum, published in memory of Barbara Adams by the Friends of the Petrie Museum and the Institute of Archaeology
Left Coast Press
(ISBN 978-1-59874-251-0)
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