Check Up for Shep-en-min

Check Up for Shep-en-min

Vassar's mummy has received its turn in the C.T. scan. The mummy as indicated by the name of the God "Min" is from the Akmim area of Egypt. Happily he is the son of another well known mummy that of Pahat.

The Akmim Mummy Consortium:

- Berkshire Museum Mummy Undergoes A Ct Scan A follow up on the story of the Berkshire (U.S.) mummy that was being prepared for a CT scan a few weeks ago. The mummy has now been scanned as part of the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium (AMSC)...

- Berkshire Museum Mummy Will Undergo Ct Scan"The county's favorite mummy is getting another CT scan. And starting Monday, visitors will be able to get a glimpse of Pahat, the Berkshire Museum's 2,000-year-old iconic artifact, as...

- 2008 In Brief
Among the finds of this past year was an old kingdom pyramid belonging to queen Sesheshet of dynasty six this find was moderately interesting as were the two empty tombs found near the causeway of king Unas.

- Restoration Mummy
This article on the restoration of a mummy from Akmim has a number of okay pictures.

- A Tale Of Two Mummies

