Daily Photo - D-Ware at the Ashmolean
More from my recent visit to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford (UK). These items are all decorated in a style named D-Ware (Decorated Ware) by William Flinders Petrie, whose typology for Predynastic pottery still forms the basis of modern schemes.

Plans To Refurbish Egyptian Galleries At The Ashmolean
Oxford Mail (Reg Little) A £5M redevelopment is being planned at Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum to showcase the museum’s world famous collections from ancient Egypt. Only eight months after the new Ashmolean was opened by the Queen following a £61m...
Daily Photo - 18th Dynasty Ceramics From The Petrie
UC19122. Redware pottery jar painted with blue bands and dark lines on cream background, cracked. 29cms. Eighteenth Dynasty. Medinet El-Faiyum. UC19145. Brown ware cream slip pottery jug with dark painted pattern, type 79K. 17.5cms. Eighteenth Dynasty....
Daily Photo: Naqada Ii Ceramics
More photographs from the British Museum. Today's are Naqada II or Class D decorated ceramics. Flinders Petrie, known as the Father of Pots, devised a sequence for the Predynastic pottery that he was finding, and his pioneering work is still in use...
Ashmolean Museum (oxford Uk) Gallery Closures
Ashmolean Museum It has been announced that the Ashmolean Museum's Egyptian galleries will be closed on a temporary basis owing to current construction work in the museum's redevelopment project. Some galleries will be closed until 5th October...
The Ashmolean Rebuild "Behind its elegant façade, the state of Oxford's Ashmolean has long been an embarrassment - but a £49m rebuild is about to change that, says Giles Worsley. The Ashmolean in Oxford is one of the great museum buildings of...