Daily Photo - Gilf Kebir
If anyone wants to contact me by email whilst I'm away that's fine, but please use my easynet address, not my UCL one. I've forgotten my latest UCL password so I can't retrieve anything sent to the UCL email address. As a general rule my easynet address is by far the most reliable way of geting hold of me.
[email protected]. Cheers. Andie

The Mestekawi-Foggini Cave, western Gilf Kebir
Quite simply stunning!
Mosaic Of The Mestekawi-foggini Cave
Zerzura Club Thanks to Giancarlo Negro for sending me the above link to a mosaic of the rock art in the Mestekawi-Foggini cave in the western Gilf Kebir (Libyan borders of Egypt). To get the best out of these images you need to click on them and give...
The Insects Of Gilf Kebir
Egypt Today (Richard Hoath) Richard Hoath has been to the Gilf and has some wonderful things to say about the insect life and the lack of bird song: I have just returned from the almost lunar barrenness of the Gilf Kebir and, as predicted in last month’s...
Blog Note
Thanks to everyone who emails me. Just to let you guys know that my Easynet address isn't working at the moment, so if you want to get hold of me please email me at:
[email protected] Thanks! AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Travel: The Gilf Kebir article about the scenery and rock art of the Gilf Kebir: "Rock art is the oldest form of art left by the human race. While few countries are blessed with samples of such art, Egypt enjoys a handful of them....
Egyptian Rock Art In an article entitled "In the footsteps of Count Laszlo" a trip into the Western (Libyan) Desert is described by writer and poet Robert Twigger. The destination is the Gilf Kebir,...