Daily Photo - Items from the Imhotep Museum, Saqqara
As today's main story takes place in Saqqara, with the discovery of a new tomb, here are a couple of photographs from the fabulous Imhotep Museum at Saqqara (and my thanks for the Museum's permission to take photographs there in 2006).

Faience tiles from the Step Pyramid of Djoser

Horus as you have probably never seen him before

Starving Bedouin, Causeway of Unas
Photos Of Work At The Step Pyramid Of Djoser Images 44 and 45 show views inside the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Good photographs.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
New Url For Saqqara/imhotep Story
A few days ago I posted an extract from a piece that appeared on the Sunday Post website about Ian Matheson's hopes for the discovery of the tomb of Imhotep. Unfortunately, the original URL for this story has now expired. However Chris Townsend has...
Close To Finding Imhotep At Saqqara?
The original URL for this story has now expired (Sunday Post). However Chris Townsend has pointed out that another web page is now available with this story: Unfortunately, expiring URLs are a hazard of blogging,...
Zahi Hawass, Dig Days Column Hawass's regular Dig Days piece, this week entitled Adventures in the Step Pyramid, Hawass describes entering one of the Queens' pyramids located south of the Menkaure Pyramid at Giza, and the Step...
Dig Days: Imhotep: The First Gifted Architect Hawass's occasional Dig Days column on the Al Ahram Weekly website, this time looking at the Imhotep Museum, named for the Old Kingdom pyramid architecht: " We have begun a new phase of the site management...