Daily Photo - Late 18th Dynasty at the Petrie
UC011. Trialpiece: head of a queen (Nefertiti) wearing a tall crown; limestone; head faces right, chiefly in ink, but lips already cut out. Amarna Period.

UC101. Inlay of head; yellow quartzite; king or queen. Traces of paint. The profile carving is carried around the front edge. Head is shaped for addition of a separate crown. Amarna Period

UC12320. Ring, silver, inscribed
Nb-m3't-R Pth mr. Reign of Amenhotep III

UC14380. Fragment of fluted sandstone column with cartouches of King Amenhotep III, the 2 columns of hieroglyphs, the second almost erased. Reign of Amenhotep III

UC051. Inscribed limestone fragment: vertical cartouche of Akhenaten and traces of another cartouche. Amarna Period
Copyright: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London With my thanks
Exhibition: The State Museums Of Berlin And The Legacy Of James Simon
San Francisco Sentinel An outstanding collection of the treasures of the State Museums of Berlin that honors the contributions of patron James Simon is now at the Legion of Honor until January 18, 2009. THE STATE MUSEUMS OF BERLIN AND THE LEGACY OF JAMES...
Daily Photo: Jewellery From The Petrie
UC1006. Complete blue faience ring. Openwork bezel: udjat-eye. Late Eighteenth Century. Found at Amarna. UC1040. Yellow faience ring bezel, with inlaid blue and red. cf UC 1871. Late 18th Dynasty. Found at Amarna. UC10803. String of beads; shell...
Overlapping Kings
I noticed recently that when I aligned the third Amenhotep's year reign of 25 with his successor and namesakes year 1 that a number of curious dates begin to suggest that much of the fourth Amenhotep's reign may actually have run parallel to his...
Overlapping Kings
It has been noticed that when aligned the third Amenhotep's year reign of 25 with his successor and namesakes year 1 that a number of curious dates begin to suggest that much of the fourth Amenhotep's reign may actually have run parallel to his...
Overlapping Kings Of Amarna
I noticed recently that when I aligned the third Amenhotep's year reign of 25 with his successor and namesakes year 1 that a number of curious dates begin to suggest that much of the fourth Amenhotep's reign may actually have run parallel to his...