Dier el Banat Yields Ptolemaic Mummies

A cemetery in Egypt long thought to have been completely looted has recently turned up a number of mummies including one lady who is completely intact with her mask and cartonnages.
This is the only intact mummy to have ever been found at this ancient destroyed cemetery
These photos are a must see:
Surprise Egypt Tombs Yield Ornate Coffins, Dog Mummies
National Geographic (Steven Stanek) Four ancient tombs containing well-preserved mummies and ornate painted coffins have been unearthed in El Faiyum, an oasis about 50 miles (80 kilometers) southwest of Cairo (see map). (See photos of the tomb treasures.)...
Pretty Mummies
Here some photos from National Geographic on the recent finds of mummies from Illahun.
More Diseased Mummies
This article is on the evolution of malaria starting with two Egyptian mummies and a pair of skeletons.
The King's Wife Tiye
Here are pictures of the recently found statue from the mortuary temple of Tiye's husband Amenhotep III.
Ptolemaic Mummies
Here is an overview of excavations of the Dier Al Banat cemetery who's finds include mummies some with golden masks. There is a good picture of one of the masks.