Dr. Hawass on Nefertiti

This is an interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass and Spiegel Online and though the interview is brief the question and answers that regard the Berlin bust of Nefertiti are of interest.
Dr. Hawass said: "Around two months ago I petitioned the Berlin museum administration to share with me the exact details of Nefertiti's "emigration" and to send all and any material that relates to the legitimacy of that process. To this day, my request has not been answered".
I am confused why Cairo needs paperwork which should be only duplicate material to that in the records of the Supreme council of antiquities? If worse came to worse the motives or intentions of the German expedition should not be of value to the question of what the representative of the Supreme council of antiquities decision was!,1518,656046,00.html
Another Bid For The Return Of Nefertiti
Ahram Online With photos. Egypt’s minister for antiquities, Zahi Hawass, has announced that he will send an official letter to the German government requesting the return of the painted Nefertiti bust now on display at the Neues Museum in Berlin. Hawass...
Official Repatriation Request For Bust Of Nefertiti
Heritage Key (Ann Wuyts) Heritge Key reports that the SCA have announced that they have requested the return of the Nefertiti bust from Berlin. There's also some helpful background information in the article. The Supreme Council of Antiquities announced...
Cool Response From Berlin To Egypt's Official Nefertiti Request
Monsters and Critics Berlin responded cooly on Friday to renewed demands from Cairo that the prized bust of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti should be returned to its country of origin from its current home in a Berlin museum. 'A request from Egypt to return...
Egypt Response To German Refusal To Loan Nefertiti Bust"Egypt Sunday said it will never hold any antiquity exhibition in Germany in the future unless Germany temporarily returns the bust of ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, the official news agency...
Issues Surrounding The Nefertiti Bust. El-Aref talking about the request, made by Zahi Hawass, to lend Egypt the famous Nefertiti bust, currently on permanent display in Berlin, for a three month period: "Hawass asked the German government...